
An important gateway to integrating inclusivity and equality best practice into an organisation’s processes and policies

We uncover potential barriers to equitable progression across all demographic groups, in the key areas of pay, talent acquisition, talent development, promotion and retention

When the principles and best practices of DEI are embedded in systemic ways in firms, they should enhance equality of opportunities for all employees. However, this is not always the case – in many companies’ certain processes remain inequitable, leading to group differences and representation gaps in senior positions.

Our DEI audit report provides insights into how different groups progress through the employee life cycle. It exposes strengths and weaknesses and identifies DEI risks and their potential impact on your organisation. We recommend ways to manage risks by sharing emerging practices and guidance for targeted interventions to bring increasing fairness within the procedures and processes of your institutional systems.

Our DEI audit process

Review of current talent policies and processes

A detailed review of existing talent policies with an emphasis on DEI aspects, which helps in identifying the organisation's strengths and areas for improvement.

Analysis of HR and recruitment data

A thorough analysis of HR staff data, recruitment, promotions, reports, and complaints can uncover significant trends and patterns related to DEI.

Leadership pipeline analysis

Analysing the leadership pipeline to ensure diverse and equitable talent progression, which aids in strategically planning for future leadership needs with a focus on DEI.

Primary research through interviews and focus groups

Interviews and focus groups are conducted to gather firsthand information about the impact of policies on staff..

Comprehensive report

Actionable insights and recommendations based on the audit findings, including a strategic roadmap for implementing DEI improvements.

Case studies

Our demonstrated success

Our team has successfully executed diversity enhancement projects for some of the world’s most recognisable brands, enabling them to benefit from a broader range of talent, insight and experience. Let us do the same for you, with our DEI diagnostics, audit, strategy, L&D and diversity enhancement services.